Can I dye my extensions?

Yes all virgin hair can be dyed; we do however advise that this is done by a special hair stylist as the procedure requires skill and so that you obtain the hair colour results you desire. If you as the customer decide to do this yourself it is at your own risk if damage occurs. We will not be held liable for any damaged caused by any 3rd party who decides to apply chemicals or treatments if not administered by a special stylist. This applies to any purchase of human hair, human hair wigs, lace fronts and all other human hair extensions.

So before you dyed hair, please ask our team, we will give you speical guide for hair process problems.

How many bundles hair I need?

This depends on the size of your head. We usually recommend 2 packs of hair, however if you require a fuller look we suggest you go for 3 packs.

Why are my hair get tangled?

Hair extensions get tangled because the hair has an oil and dirt build up, you have over processed it through dying, gone swimming in salt or chlorine water without  washing it after or you have not brushed it up to 4 times daily. We suggest that you wash and condition your hair at least once a week and use hydrating oil.  NEVER comb wet hair.

How long will my hair will last?

Its quite simple, treat your hair extensions as you would your own hair and take care of it. LUV Hair can last up to 2 years if cared for properly. Remember whether you decide to opt for Brazilian Virgin, Peruvian Virgin, Malaysian Virgin, Indian Virgin or Chinese Virgin hair, make sure the hair you choose is unprocessed as this is an important feature for longevity.
